Is Your Child Sick?™Select from over 100 symptoms to read more about managing your child's illness.Is Your Child Sick...Abdominal Pain - FemaleAbdominal Pain - MaleAcneAnimal or Human BiteAntibiotics: When Do They Help?Anxiety AttackArm InjuryArm PainAsthma AttackAthlete's FootBack PainBed Bug BiteBee or Yellow Jacket StingBehavioral Health ProblemsBlistersBoilBottle-Feeding (Formula) QuestionsBreast Symptoms-ChildBreast Symptoms-TeenBreast-Feeding QuestionsBreath-holding SpellBreathing TroubleBronchiolitis-RSVBruises and CutsBurnChemical in eyeChest PainChickenpoxCircumcision ProblemsColdsColds (0-12 Months)ConstipationCoughCough (0-12 Months)Coughs: Meds or Home Remedies?COVID-19 Diagnosed or SuspectedCOVID-19 or Influenza - How to TellCracked or Dry SkinCradle CapCroupCrying Baby - Before 3 Months OldCrying Child - 3 Months and OlderCut, Scrape, or BruiseDepressionDiaper RashDiarrheaDiarrhea (0-12 Months)Diarrhea Diseases from TravelDizzinessDrinking Fluids - DecreasedDry SkinEar - CongestionEar - DischargeEar - Pulling At or RubbingEar - Swimmer'sEar Infection QuestionsEar InjuryEar Piercing SymptomsEaracheEarwax BuildupEczemaEmergency Symptoms Not to MissEye - Chemical InEye - Foreign ObjectEye - Pus or DischargeEye - Red Without PusEye AllergyEye InjuryEyelid SwellingFaintingFeverFever - How to Take a Temperature (0-12 Months)Fever - How to Take the TemperatureFever - Myths Versus FactsFever (0-12 Months)Fifth Disease-Viral RashFinger InjuryFire Ant StingFluFluid Intake DecreasedFood AllergyForeskin Care QuestionsFrostbiteGenital Injury - FemaleGenital Injury - MaleHair LossHand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Viral RashHay FeverHead InjuryHead LiceHeadacheHeat Exposure and ReactionsHeat RashHivesHoarsenessHuman or Animal BiteImmunization ReactionsImpetigo - Infected SoresInfection Exposure QuestionsInfluenza - SeasonalInfluenza ExposureInsect BiteJaundiced NewbornJellyfish StingJock ItchLeg InjuryLeg PainLice - HeadLymph Nodes - SwollenMedicine - Refusal to TakeMenstrual CrampsMenstrual Period - Missed or LateMental Health ProblemsMolluscumMosquito BiteMosquito-Borne Diseases from TravelMotion SicknessMouth InjuryMouth UlcersNeck Pain or StiffnessNewborn Appearance QuestionsNewborn Illness - How to RecognizeNewborn Rashes and BirthmarksNewborn Reflexes and BehaviorNose Allergy (Hay Fever)Nose InjuryNosebleedPanic AttackPenis-Scrotum Symptoms-ChildPenis-Scrotum Symptoms-TeenPinwormsPoison Ivy - Oak - SumacPuncture WoundRash or Redness - LocalizedRash or Redness - WidespreadReflux (Spitting Up)RingwormRoseola-Viral RashRSV-BronchiolitisScabies-Itch Mite RashScorpion StingScrapeSexually Transmitted InfectionsSinus Pain or CongestionSkin Foreign ObjectSkin InjurySkin LumpSliver or SplinterSolid Foods (Baby Foods)Sore ThroatSpider BiteSpitting Up - RefluxSTI ExposureStomach Pain - FemaleStomach Pain - MaleStools - Blood InStools - Unusual ColorStrep Throat ExposureStrep Throat InfectionStySuicide ConcernsSunburnSuture QuestionsSwallowed Foreign ObjectSwallowed Harmless SubstanceSwimmer's Itch - Lakes and OceansTear Duct - BlockedTeethingThrushTick BiteToe InjuryToenail - IngrownTooth InjuryToothacheTrouble BreathingUmbilical Cord SymptomsUrinary Tract Infection - FemaleUrination Pain - FemaleUrination Pain - MaleVaginal BleedingVaginal Symptoms-ChildVaginal Symptoms-TeenVomiting (0-12 Months)Vomiting With DiarrheaVomiting Without DiarrheaWartsWeakness and FatigueWheezing (Other Than Asthma)Wound InfectionMedicine Dosage...AcetaminophenCold MedicinesCough MedicinesIbuprofenItching/AllergiesMedical ConditionsNewbornsBreastfeedingTeensSpecial NeedsBehaviorParenting TipsPowered by Pediatric Web