Helpful Information

As parents, especially if this is your first child, you always have questions and concerns. Our For Parents section is here to try and help address some of the more common issues we are often asked as pediatricians.

icon-ped-webIs Your Child Sick?
Select from over 100 symptoms to read more about managing your child’s illness.


icon_babyChild Development Stages
An interactive guide to understanding your child’s developmental stages.

icon-dosage-chartsDosage Charts
Commonly requested dosage information for over the counter medications.

icon-immunization-scheduleImmunization Schedule
An easy to reference online guide to know when your child needs immunizations.


Medical Ear Piercing:

Medical Ear Piercing is now available at Silverton Pediatrics. For more information, please click here.

ADHD Resources:

Asthma Resources: