2 Months

2 Months
  • Speech

    Gurgle and coo.

    Smiles in response to being talked to.

  • Feeding

    Breastfeed on demand.

    Formula feed 2-4 ounces every 2-4 hours, increase as needed.

    No solid food.

  • Developmental Stages

    Become interested in new objects and will turn to gaze at them.

    Lift their heads when lying on their stomachs.

    Begin to grasp rattle if placed in their hands.

    Alert to sounds.

    Roll from stomach to back.

  • 6 Months

    6 Months
  • Speech

    Babbling, laughing.

  • Feeding

    Continue breastfeeing.

    Start introducting solid foods.

    Start with cereal in a spoon and slowly introduce fruits and vegetables.

    Formula or breast milk intake will stay about the same.

  • Developmental Stages

    Pass object from one hand to the other.

    Roll over both ways.

    Sit with support.

    Reach for and grasp object.

  • 9 Months

    9 Months
  • Speech

    May say a simple word such as "dada" or "mama".

  • Feeding

    Continue breastfeeding.

    Feed baby 3 meals daily plus snacks.

    Offer some finger foods, being careful to avoid foods that could cause choking.

    Offer liquids in a cup.

    Limit juice to 2-4 oz per day.

  • Developmental Stages

    Crawl and walk around furniture (cruise).

    Pull themselves up to a standing position.

    Will grab small objects with a forefinger and thumb.

    Sit without support.

    Waving bye-bye.

    May have some stranger anxiety.

  • 12 Months

    12 Months
  • Speech

    Says a few words, understands many more.

    Uses a mix of made-up words and understandable words.

    Responding to name.

  • Feeding

    Introduce whole milk up to 16-20 oz per day.

    Offer liquids in a cup instead of a bottle.

    Feed 3 meals daily plus snacks.

    Offer a variety of health foods daily.

    Picky eating is normal, with good and bad days.

    Limit juice to 4-6 oz per day.

    Give a multivitamin daily.

  • Developmental Stages

    Take first steps.

    Points at objects.

    Feeds self with hands.

    Playing peek-a-boo.

  • 18 Months

    18 Months
  • Speech

    Saying 15-20 words.

  • Feeding

    Stop using a bottle, use a cup.

    Offer child 2 cups milk per day, and no more than one cup of juice.

    Feed 3 meals daily plus snacks.

    Offer a variety of health foods daily.

    Picky eating is normal, with good and bad days.

  • Developmental Stages

    Able to run, climb, kick and throw.

    Walk upstairs with hand held.

    Scribble with crayon.

    Take off some clothes.